Category: High School College Counseling

Myths About Extracurricular Activities – Part 2 (Summer Activities)

In my last post, I talked about some of the misconceptions about extracurricular activities in general and the place they have in your education and college application. In this article, I will address summer extracurricular activities in particular. Summertime—when most students are off school—provides you with an abundance of free… Read more

Why Start College Counseling Early?

“Early” is a somewhat relative term. For some, starting college counseling early means one week before the application deadline. For others, a year or even earlier in advance. What I mean by “early” when it comes to the college counseling process is considering college requirements at the very beginning of… Read more

Advice to Parents: How to Be Involved in Your Child’s College Application Process

For families, the process of children applying to college is not always easy. Naturally, parents want to be involved because there is a lot at stake. But children may not always perceive a parent or guardian’s involvement in a positive light. As a result, conversations at home about college can… Read more